About - Radio1.ORG

This website includes the unofficial Dance Anthems pages, and the unofficial Dance Anthems chatroom.

Radio1.ORG was founded by RobinB, and is maintained by a team of listeners to Dave Pearce's Dance Anthems show on BBC Radio1. The site is in no way connected with BBC Radio1.

Radio1.ORG also includes much more content in relation to the dance music scene, and for a complete overview, please take a look at the site map. Radio1.ORG actively promotes the dance scene by publishing information about artists, labels and record shops on its pages. If you would like to be involved with the site in any way, please do get in touch. Radio1.ORG is always on the look out for promotional material, and we plan to include audio samples of such material on the site in the future, again if you would be interested in supplying material for use and promotion on this site, do contact us.

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Dance Anthems Mailing List and keep up to date with the club scene